Wind turbine noise

We have extensive knowledge and experience with wind turbine noise assessments both for planning and post-planning, such as compliance monitoring and complaint investigation.

Richard has worked on over 50 wind farms across the UK and Republic of Ireland, for many developers, large and small.

Noise is a key factor when considering the feasibility of a wind turbine or wind farm. If it is not done correctly then you risk a development that will be either over-engineered and miss out on potential energy generation, or inappropriate such that noise impacts on neighbouring properties and costly corrections are needed when it is now too late.

We not only will help you design your layout so that it is right from the start, we can also help you optimise tricky sites where constraint is needed to meet noise limits. We offer the full service from feasibility, modelling your site, background measurements and assessments in full accordance with current best practice ETSU-R-97 and the Institute of Acoustics Good Practice Guide to the Application of ETSU-R-97. We also continue beyond planning and can undertake compliance monitoring and reporting and complaint investigation and curtailment and constraint as necessary.

Noise for planning

Considering noise at the planning stage is the opportunity to get it right from the outset and create positive sound environments for people to live, be creative or learn.

We offer a range of services that will help you achieve a desirable development with a positive soundscape.

Residential development

When siting new a residential development it is important that sound is fully considered and often required by the local planning authority.

When assessing the appropriateness of the existing sound levels of an area for residential development, the relevant guidance document is ProPG: Planning & Noise. It promotes the concept that good acoustic design is more than just numbers, and it is important to protect future residents from the outset through thoughtful layout and a considered approach rather than simply mitigating against noise after the fact.

This approach is common sense and with the right team on board, like Bow Acoustics, should not cost the earth. We can advise early on initial layouts to highlight any potential noise risks that be easily be avoided or reduced by simple changes.

We offer the full package when it comes to residential development, from feasibility or due diligence through to baseline measurements and modelling, on to layout and design and assessments in accordance with ProPG and other relevant guidance such as British Standard 8233.

Bow Acoustics has years of experience providing noise impact assessments for residential developments in both urban and rural settings. Projects range in scale from small infill site with challenging environments through to Garden Villages that contain a full mix of residential, amenity space, retail and commercial.

Vibration assessments

High levels of vibration can cause disturbance, interference with sensitive equipment or even structural damage if it is not properly designed for.

Developments that may be sensitive to vibration, such as residential or which may contain sensitive instrumentation, which are proposed close to a source of vibration such as a railway track or heavy industry facility need a vibration assessment to ensure any impacts are acceptable.

We can undertake vibration monitoring in accordance with British Standard 6472-1:2008 and calculate vibration levels from a specific source as it propagates through the ground. We can provide vibration assessments suitable for submission with planning applications or in connection with construction sites.

Industrial and Commercial

Nobody likes a noisy neighbour, especially if they make noise on an industrial scale.

As a business, you want the freedom to carryout your business at a time, and in a manner, that best suits you and your practice. However, when commercial and residential land uses adjoin the risk of noise impacts increases.

British Standard 4142 is used for rating and assessing sound of industrial or commercial natures by comparing it with the existing background sound level in its absence. Each different local authority will have their own requirements which would be set around BS4142, so some areas may appear more stringent than others.

We provide a full range of acoustics services in relation to industry and commerce, including support and assessment through planning, discharge of planning conditions, permanent and semi-permanent monitoring, design and advice on the control of noise and noise management plans.

Getting Bow Acoustics on board early in the planning process of a new commercial facility will ensure noise is properly considered from the outset. This not only promotes sustainable development, but also helps to control costs.

Noise Modelling and Mapping

Noise modelling and contour mapping is a powerful tool that can help illustrate environmental noise levels and the effect of mitigation measures for a wide range of sources.

We can model noise from a number of different sources, from a single item of plant up to a network of transport corridors, and provide illustrations of the predicted levels or data to be included in your wider project database. All calculations are to recognised UK standards and guidelines using proprietary software.

Construction noise

Once planning permission has been awarded you can start thinking about construction.

The noise and vibration generated during the construction of a project may be temporary, but it must be controlled to a reasonable level. Failure to do so can lead to the construction site being closed down by the Local Authority until appropriate management plans are in place.

We provide predicted noise levels for each key phase of you construction programme which will feed into an application made under Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974. Where required we can highlight phases and operations that may require mitigation and what this mitigation might look like.

Calculations would be carried out in accordance with British Standard 5228-1:2009+A1:2014.

Where it is necessary to control noise from a construction site, we work closely with the site manager, developer and Local Authority to input to the wider Construction Environmental Management Plan or a dedicated Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan.

We also offer construction monitoring tailored to your project needs. We offer a variety of solutions that can provide constant monitoring that help demonstrate overall levels in the event of a complaint, live systems that display current and historic data access through the web, to systems that alerts construction site managers when limits are exceeded or close to being exceeded.

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